Singing Guide: Steve Angrisano

Singing Guide: Steve Angrisano

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Steve Angrisano's Vocal Techniques

Steve Angrisano has a dynamic and captivating vocal style that brings his music to life. One of his unique techniques is his ability to blend various vocal registers seamlessly. Steve is able to transition from high to low notes with ease, creating a smooth and polished sound.

Another technique Steve uses is adding emphasis through his dynamic range. By changing the volume of his voice, he is able to draw in his audience, express emotions and create a more dramatic effect.

Steve also uses vibrato to great effect. Vibrato is a natural and rapid fluctuation in a note that can add texture and depth to a song. Incorporating some vibrato into your singing style can help make your performance more engaging.

How to Develop Steve Angrisano's Style

To learn how to sing like Steve Angrisano, it’s helpful to study his songs and performances. One of his most popular songs, “Go Make a Difference,” showcases his ability to blend registers, use his dynamic range and add vibrato for emotional effect.

To learn this song, start by listening to it and identifying the various vocal techniques we've explained above that Steve Angrisano uses. Use Singing Carrots' Song search function to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Then, Singing Carrots’ Search songs by vocal range function will help find songs within Steve Angrisano's vocal range. As you practice, use the Song-book function on Singing Carrots to get linked lyrics, sheet music, and chords.

Incorporate Steve's techniques into your own style, but also remember to be true to your own voice and express yourself authentically. Use Singing Carrots resources such as Vocal health advice, tips on posture and breath support, and Singing Carrots' Singing course to continually improve your technique and develop your unique style.

Developing Your Voice

Before we dive into Steve Angrisano's style, it’s important to understand the basics of developing your own voice. Singing is a physical activity that requires proper breath support, vocal control, and good posture. Singing exercises and techniques such as warming up, breathing properly, opening your mouth, and articulating clearly are essential to improving your voice and developing your style.

To start, take Singing Carrots' Vocal range test to determine your voice type and range. Next, improve your pitch accuracy with the Pitch accuracy test and Pitch Training. Then, use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see the notes you hit while singing and adjust accordingly.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.